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"Worship Is Not Just What We Do...It's Who We Are!"


Evangelism through Community Outreach is the core service used to achieve Love Divine Ministry’s vision and mission! Mathews 28:19 Mark16:15 and Roman 1:14 reminds us of the great commission. Jesus challenged his disciples and all believers to …” Go into the world and teach all nations the word of God”! As God’s representatives in the earth, we teach God’s Word by modeling and demonstrating His love and kindness towards us. As an act of worship, it is through Evangelism and Outreach that we show our love for Christ by our acts of kindness.

We become Christ by duplicating his word (Matt 4:19: We are and become stewards of the gospel (1Cor 4:1) So we at LDFWC:

  • Glorify God and bear fruit of His Glory (John 15:18)
  • Become workers in the Kingdom as to few are the witnesses of the Christhood and obedient to the call of God on their lives.

Pastors Warren and Delores EdwardsIn 1995 Pastor(s) Warren and Delores Ford Edwards founded and established a community Outreach Ministry, King Edwards’ Inc. -- The “A Journey Home Program”. Their goal was that of the ministry; To reach the used, abused and the forgotten for the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Warren, who is a master’s level Special Educator and Pastor Delores, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Administrator, both worked tirelessly to provide community-based housing and independent living services to families, youth and children. They partnered in 2004 with the State of Maryland, and King Edward Inc. became a Licensed Child Placement Agency.

For over 30 years they have personally and professionally provided housing to families whose children were in foster care, and to young parents who were pregnant or had young children.

Through the ministry, youth and young adults are supported when reaching their goals to become self-sufficient, self-reliant and to sustain themselves in the community and live a (Godly) quality life!

Other Community Outreach Services by Love Divine Ministries include:

  • The LDFWC Community Food Bank; Where meals are cooked and delivered to the sick and shut in, three times a week, and food boxes are provided to those in need.
  • The LDFWC Community Festival and Community Health and Wellness Event: Providing Community Activities, Show Casing Community Partnerships and Public Education Services.
  • The LDFWC Community Clothing and Coat Drive.

Evangelism through Community Outreach is the core to all ministry service. We at Love Divine, worship God by the giving of ourselves to service!

We worship God by giving our time, talents, and earthly resources, therefore we serve Him by serving His people and our local communities.

For further information about the Love Divine Family Worship Center’s Evangelism thru Community Outreach Ministry,
feel free to contact Pastor(s) Warren 410-496-0967 or Pastor Delores 443-253-1145.


The LDFWC Women of Worship Ministry or the WOW Ministry, seeks to have Women serve Women! We seek to enlighten, empower and strengthen our siste’s by remembering who we are in Christ and to walk in our divine authority.

The month of May has been set aside as a time for the WOW Ministry to shine, as we encourage our sisters to come forth and share their various gifts and talents. We further invite anointed women from our Love Circles of friendship to come as speakers of God’s Word to share words of encouragement from the Lord.

Our WOW Ministry outreach further extends itself to the community as sponsors of:

  • The Umoja Sista’s Circle: A Women’s Healing Circle which tackles day-to-day issues encountered by women. We provide a safe and confidential environment where women can come and be authentic and speak openly about their internal, external, and spiritual challenges.
  • Girl’s Night Out! A newly established quarterly gathering of sistas, girlfriends and women of all ages. We gather socially to laugh, for fun, and simpy to enjoy each other’s company!
  • The WOW Women’s Leadership Conference also partners with other WOW Women’s Ministries to encourage empowerment, entrepreneurship, servant leadership in ministry both nationally, internationally and globally.

For more information about the Love Divine Family Worship Center WOW Women’s Ministry,
contact Elder Darlene Watkins at 443-827-6034.


The LDFWC Men’s Ministry, also referred to as Men Of Valor Ministry, brings together men of all walks of life to provide support, strengthen and empower one another. Man’s unique assignment given to him by God; in Genesis1: 26-27: And God said. “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” So God created man in his own image. In the image of God created he him, male and female created them."

To have dominion and be Son’s of God is the charge to every man. What that looks like and how it’s played out on a day-to-day basis is the task of each man as he examines himself with the help and insight of his brothers and other men.

The month of February has been set aside for the Men of Valor Ministry to shine and offer their gifts and talents to others in the Body of Christ through one of the following ways:

  • The Church’s Food Pantry
  • Men’s Support Groups; Brother to Brother Man To Man
  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA Twelve Step) Recovery and Alcohol Anonymous (AA Twelve Step) Recovery Services
  • A Community Outreach Collaboration
  • Boys To Men: Mentoring for Youth and Young Adults

For more information about LDFWC’s Men of Valor Ministry, please feel free to contact:
Elder Warren A. Edwards at 410-336-5323


The YAYA Ministry serves participants ages 5 to 25 years of age.

The goal of the YAYA Ministry is to help youth and young adults to fully understand who they are in Christ and strengthen their spiritual, emotional, psychological, and day-to-day walk with God. Young people come together with the guidance of mature leaders to support each other and address critical issues faced by their generation.

Their call by God to “CHANGE THE WORLD FOR THEIR GENERATION” is one which is examined and critically explored. Leadership development through primary and secondary education achievements, educational advancements, and entrepreneurship are strongly encouraged.

April is totally dedicated to youth empowerment and spiritual development. During the yea,r but particularly during the month of April, YAYA members are encouraged to showcase their talents, skills, and are encouraged to:

  • Facilitate Youth-Driven Worship Experiences
  • Network and Fellowship with Other YAYA Ministries to Facilitate Peer Support and Personal Enhancement
  • Engage in Community Activities and Outreach Efforts

Future Goals for the YAYA Ministry:

  • Weekly Youth Worship Services
  • Summer Vacation Bible Academy
  • The LDFWC Day Care and PreSchool Services

For more information about the LDFWC’s YAYA Ministry, please contact
Sister NaKeyta Diggs Perry at 443-825-8389


We at Love Divine Ministries believe in being in a covenant relationship with both God and with men. Marriage is a covenant relationship which exists between a man and a woman and held sacred.

Marriage is also viewed as one’s personal ministry between two people committed to serving one another. Marriage, when discussed in scripture, has been compared to Christ’s relationship with his bride “The Church.”

Paul teaches in the book of Ephesians 5:21 that we are to “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ. He encourages wives be subject (or committed) to your husbands as to the Lord.” Verse 28 says, "In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”

The encouragement of covenant/committed relationships which supports the growth of healthy individuals and families is a fundamental belief and practice at LDFWC.

While the concept of marriage and family in our society and culture has and is changing, we believe that God’s love for all of us never changes, and His love stays the same.

Ministry leaders celebrate these relationships throughout the year, but particularly during the month of June. The month of June is used as a time to celebrate marriages, and covenant relationships that support the institution of family.

Pastor (s) Warren Edwards and Delores Ford Edwards are the Ministry Leaders for the LDFWC’s Marriage Ministry.
They have been married for forty-two years, and can be reached by contacting: 410-336-5323 or 443-253-1145.


We at Love Divine Family Worship Center honor God daily in worship and by fasting and prayer. Prayer, therefore, is a priority, as it is our way of staying connected to the Holy Spirit and seeking His help in all matters.

Jesus taught His disciples that men should always pray and not faint. (Luke18:1) We therefore understand that we must be consistent in our petition to God thru fasting and prayer.

Great men and women of the Bible prayed often. Daniel knelt and prayed three times a day. David prayed morning, noon, and night. We worship the heavenly Father both individually and in corporate prayer.

Great men and women of the Bible prayed often. Daniel knelt and prayed three times a day. David prayed morning noon and night. We worship the heavenly Father both individually and in corporate prayer.

For those wishing to join us during the early morning prayer watch, please feel free to contact our free conference call Prayer Line at (667) 770-1137.
The code to join is 275951. Prayer requests and hospital visitation requests are taken on behalf of the ministry by also contacting this number.

Mother Delores Allen is the Center’s Chief Prayer Warrior and can be reached for
individual prayer or corporate prayer connections by calling: (443) 310-1881

Love Divine Family Worship Center --- 4600 Frankford Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21206 --- (443) 253-1145