Electronic donations can be made through Cash App: $LDFWC46.
Check donations (made payable to Love Divine Ministries or LDFWC) should be mailed to:
Love Divine Ministries --- 4600 Frankford Avenue --- Baltimore, Maryland 21206 --- Attn: Elder Toni Saunders
All support given and/or received by the Love Divine Family Worship Center Ministry is strongly encouraged. However, your gifts of time, talents, services and financial resources, should only be done as an act of “LOVE from a willing HEART.”
Proverbs 11: 24 reminds us that “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; while another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.”
We at LDFWC believe that GIVING is an act of Worship. Therefore, we give of ourselves, our time, talents, and financial resources freely, and without expectations or fear-- without worry if we will get back what was given out, or if we will get hurt in the process.
We believe that when we practice giving on every level to the people around us, we will not only experience the power and thrill of giving more, but we will also feel relieved. We are not moved solely to give from a place of emotion, but our giving is with purpose and is planned.
2 Corinthians 9:7 teaches us that “Each person should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly nor under compulsion, for God loves a person who gives cheerfully”
Remember, your family is your first ministry and should always be served first! Therefore, your giving becomes a secondary task, and act of service once your family has been established and provided for. We call this process; “Giving from Your Overflow!”
The following are ways you might consider giving to the LDFWC Ministry:
- Membership giving of tithes and free-will offerings,
- Partnering with the ministry without membership around a specific project or until you have located a home church to direct your giving
- Volunteering your time, talents and resources to a church-supported activity or support project
- Donation of Specific Items (Furniture, TV, monitors, etc., or resources needed by the ministry
Remember, your giving is Worship! “It’s Not just what we do, its who we are! We give back to God what he has given to us!
LDFWC Ministry is a non-profit organization registered with the State of Maryland. All giving is properly recorded and can be filed as a charitable taxable donation. Giving statements are provided at the end of each quarter or at the end of the year at the donor’s request.
Bookkeeping, accounting and tax preparation services are provided to LDFWC by Nehemiah Business Services, 7200 Rutherford Rd. Windsor Mill, MD 21244. Tel: (410) 443-0238 / Helen Grier, Owner/Proprietor
Electronic donations can be made through Cash App: $LDFWC46.
Check donations (made payable to Love Divine Ministries or LDFWC) should be mailed to:
Love Divine Ministries --- 4600 Frankford Avenue --- Baltimore, Maryland 21206 --- Attn: Elder Toni Saunders