Love Divine Family Worship Center logo
"Worship Is Not Just What We Do...It's Who We Are!"
10:00 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
Code 72459958066
Monday and Friday - 5:00 a.m.
1-667-770-1137 code 275951
Love Divine Family Worship Center --- 4600 Frankford Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21206 --- (443) 253-1145



Love Divine Ministries and The Love Divine Family Worship Center is a non-denominational assembly of Christian believers who come together in Christian fellowship to Love God, to worship and reverence His Holy Spirit that lives in us, work through us, and resides all around us.


Our belief system is particularly important to our spiritual life.
As such, we believe in God and the Word of God as is written in the Holy scriptures:

  • WE BELIEVE that the Bible is the inspired, infallible (unaltered) Word of God written by holy persons of old as they were moved by the Holy Spirit
    (2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:20-21)
  • WE BELIEVE in GOD who is infinite in power, Holy in nature, attributes and purpose, and is Omniscient (all knowing) and Omnipresent (all present).
  • WE BELIEVE that in Jesus dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily, for it pleased the Father that in Him should all the fullness dwell (Colossians 2:9). He was revealed to us as Father in creation, Son in redemption and Holy Spirit in His comforting grace that never leaves those who trust Him.
  • WE BELIEVE in the virgin birth—that Jesus was both human and divine. That He was GOD manifested in the flesh.
    (Matthew 1:18, 21 John 1:14)
  • WE BELIEVE in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. We believe that he ascended on high, and sent His Spirit, the Holy Ghost, which was poured out at Pentecost over 1900 years ago. And we believe this same Spirit is filling the hearts of those who diligently seek Him today.
    (Acts 1:8-11, 2:1-6)
  • WE BELIEVE in repentance, receiving Jesus Christ in our hearts as Lord and Savior, water baptism by the immersion in the name Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and in the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. Also, we believe in the demonstration of the Fruit of the Spirit as evidence of the new birth into the Body of Christ.
    (Matthew 7:16, 20, 12:33; Luke 6:44; Acts 2:38, 8:5-17, 10:44-48, and 19:1-6)
  • WE BELIEVE in a holy, sanctified life. We believe in divine healing, restoration, communion, and foot washing. We believe also in the glorious catching away (the rapture) of the saints when Jesus returns in the clouds in glory to take His people to Heaven.
    (1 Corinthians 11, 12:9; John 13:5-16; Matthew 8:14-17, 10:1; Isaiah 53:3-5; and 1 Peter 2:24-25)
  • Our Chief Aim is to glorify and worship our Savior who is Jesus the Christ, who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from iniquity and purify unto Himself peculiar people zealous of good works.
    (John 3:16-17 and Titus 2:13-15)


To reach the used, the abused
and the forgotten
for the Kingdom of God...
and meet the spiritual needs
of the entire family!


That through fasting, prayer, and evangelism; (Community Outreach) we seek to make and develop disciples for the Kingdom, and to restore men, women and children back to their rightful place in God.



  • Create a holy atmosphere in which lives are transformed, regenerated, nurtured and where one’s God-given talents and abilities can be released and developed
  • Through community outreach efforts, develop partnerships to support the depraved and those in need, including the aged, children, youth and families.
  • Establish opportunities for healing of the body,mind and soul to help return the body of Christ to wholeness, perfect and complete in our own Christhood.
Love Divine Family Worship Center --- 4600 Frankford Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21206 --- (443) 253-1145