
The pursuit of Stepah's Grp, LLC is to purchase land, commercial property, and real property undervalued by way of tax liens, foreclosure, bankruptcy, short sales to contribute to our economic growth, creating opportunities and seeking profits.


We stress honesty, being just and equitable in our dealings.


  • In any negotiation, we insist on first meeting the needs of our tenants and any purchaser of any of our properties.
  • All of our properties must be inhumane conditions and following state law.
  • Stepah’s Grp, LLC will treat our clientele as we would want to be treated with dignity- while promoting equal opportunity.
  • To our banks, creditors, investors, and contractors-timely payments will be fulfilled to the term of our written agreements.

Obligation To Superiority

  • Our services will be defined as exceptional in all areas of our business practices.
  • We stress seeking our client's satisfaction through the integrity of our services.


  • Stepah’s Grp, LLC desires to build our brand in small untapped markets and expand our firm's creditability making it a strong and noticeable business.
  • Our firm will strive for dominance in our markets.
  • We will develop a firm that will have economic growth.
  • Social media, the internet, clientele, and investors will promote our company.